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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 03/27/06
Selectmen Meeting Minutes –March 27, 2006

Present: M. Genest, R Haggett, and B. Pratt
Also in attendance: W. Prokop, J. Soullier, S. Chatfield, L. Henderson, T. Feyrer, C. Lunetta, S. Harding

The selectmen approved the minutes of the March 13th, 2006 meeting.

Selectmen discussed the guidelines for establishing a “Road” acceptance policy and agreed to send a “Draft” to the Town attorney for review.

Selectmen agreed to wait until April 3rd to finalize the Fire Department Rules and Regulations. The Fire Chief is having a meeting on Wednesday evening, March 29th, to review it with his officers. It was agreed to wait until 4/3/06.

T. Feyrer, Chief of Police than updated the selectmen on the activities of the police department for the first 3 months of the year. T. Feyrer explained that the public perception, of a minority of people, is that the Antrim Police Department is being run like the Gestapo. This is a large disappointment to him and his officers. He is running a professional police department and they are responding to the needs of the community. However, there are a few people who do not like change and are speculating on fact vs. fiction. He would welcome people to come in and talk to him and voice their concerns. He then gave the selectmen a summary report that showed the activities of the department. He did explain how some statements made in the press were totally false, i.e.; parking tickets given out for people attending church services, people being stopped for speeding if they are going 5 MPH over the limit, and wide use of the Taser. He gave a factual presentation of all the activities and is hopeful that more community involvement will be seen and that the police department will be viewed in a more positive light. A copy of the report is attached.

C. Lunetta and S. Harding updated the selectmen on the activities of the Park and Recreation Department. The major programs taking place in the first 3 months were; Pre-School and After School program, Basketball Tournament, CPC Battle of the Bands, and a grant from CPC, Bike Safety Rodeo to be run with police department on April 7th, Early walkers program, indoor hockey, they are presently applying for an Art Counsel Grant, a Lake Host Grant, and grants from the Department of Safety for equipment and assistance with the cost of the Community Van. They are beginning the sign up’s for baseball, soccer, and summer camps. They are working closely with the Grapevine, Antrim Village, and Friends of Recreation to determine the best type of van to get for the Town. In summary, they have been and are very busy. The selectmen thanked them for the up date and for the vast assortment of programs that they do offer to the community.

The selectmen reviewed general correspondence and approved payroll and A/P for the week.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for 04/03/06 at 7:00 P.M.
